The Interstate Massage Compact (IMpact) has clearly shown us what the major issues are in the massage therapy profession. If you are not familiar with the IMpact, you might want to catch up. The short version is that this is a program started by the Department of Defense who wants the members of the military to be able to move more easily around the US. The Council of State Governments (who has created compacts for other professions) is also involved. A grant was given to the Federation of State Massage Boards to help implement this project and create language for a bill to be passed in every state that wants to join. All of the major players gave input into the creation of this. Some states are ineligilbe to join as per their requirements. Some massage therapists won’t be able to apply and take advantage of this as they don’t meet the requirements. Many DO meet the requirements though and that would help the military move more easily and allow ALL massage therapists in states that join the compact to work in other states more easily. If you move permanently this will NOT apply. If you move permanently, you will have to apply to each state for a state massage license as you do now. One of the most interesting things is that so many massage therapists are not even aware of this and the complexity and confusing information being shared about this is throwing the whole thing off. Nevada passed the bill last year and OH, NY have a bill in progress. Nebraska had a bill last year that was shut down (they require 1000 hours of education so really should not allow MT with less training to practice)
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